Shavuot at Chabad!

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The Two Tablettes

Shavuos is the day G‑d gave the Torah to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai 3,331 years ago. Learn more.

Tuesday, June 11
Light Candles: 8:16 pm
Mincha: 8:15 pm
Late Night Learning at Chabad: 11:30 pm
Women's Torah Class at Chaya's Home: 11:30 pm

Wednesday, June 12
Shacharit: 9:30 am
Aseret Hadibrot: 10:45 am
Kiddush: 12:00 pm
Mincha: 8:15 pm
Light Candles After: 9:23 pm

Thursday, June 13
Shacharit: 9:30 am
Yizkor: 11:00 am
Mincha: 8:15 pm
Yom Tov Ends: 9:23 pm

Join us to hear the 10 Commandments at 10:45 am on June 12 and 13 at Chabad.


Dairy Kiddush and  Ice Cream Party!

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Ice Cream!

We are hosting a delicious dairy kiddush and ice cream party following services on the first day of Shavuot, June 12.

We will have an additional reading of the 10 Commandments, Aseret Hadibrot, during kiddush at about 12:30 pm.

Please consider joining as a kiddush sponsor using the link below!


Yizkor Service

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Memoriam Candle

Yizkor will be held at 11:00 am on the second day of Shavuot, June 13.

Recalling the deceased during a synagogue service is not merely a convenient form of emotional release, but an act of solemn piety and an expression of profound respect. The yizkor memorial service was instituted so that the Jew may pay homage to his forbears and recall the good life and traditional goals.

Kiddush Sponsor