Sundays, 10 am -12 pm-Chabad of Silver Spring 519 Lamberton Drive

Grades Kindergarten-Grade 6


Kitah Aleph- Pre K and Kindergarten


Students will use a Siddur with Hebrew and English translation. Each week they will add in more prayers!

Adventure with Aleph

The students will be working with the students on Aleph bet and reading through a new program-Adventure with Aleph.

Every student received a set of flash cards, a work book and a scrapbook. The lessons are very interactive and we are certain that the students will have a strong foundation in their Aleph Bet and continue on to reading based on their levels.


Students learn about each Holiday's laws,customs and lessons through story,role play,books and crafts.


My Jewish home

Students will be learning about each room of the Jewish home with all the mitzvot,values and customs that come along with it. This comprehensive curriculum opens the opportunity for questions which lead to more learning!



Kitah Bet- Grades 1-3


Students will use a Siddur with Hebrew and English translation. Each week they will add in more prayers!

Aleph champ

The Aleph Champion Program© is on the cutting edge of Hebrew reading today. Modeled after the Karate/Martial Arts motivational system, it works by dividing different reading skills into levels defined by color. Students understand that their teacher is a black aleph champion and their goal is to reach that level. Every Sunday the students visit the Aleph champ Lab where the children rotate through reading, writing, and technology stations.


Students will delve deeper into the meaning of each Holiday, the customs, lessons and Jewish hero and heroines associated with each Holiday.

Bereishit and Shemot Storybook Curriculum

Students will spend time focusing on values learned from the weekly Torah Portion. Students will delve back into the past and explore events and "meet" our ancestors!

Kitah Gimmel Grades 4-6


Students will learn about the meaning of each prayer. By the end of the school year they will be able to pray the Amidah fluently.  Each week they will add more components and learn about Shul etiquette such as when to stand in shul, the blessings for the Torah and more.

My Jewish Calendar 

New this year! Students will learn about the Jewish Calendar through an exciting curriculum with hands on lessons! 

Jew Q-

Students will learn general knowledge and lots of in depth knowledge through a all new program for Chabad Hebrew Schools worldwide. Students will be tested every few weeks and then have an opportunity to join in an international competition. We will share more information as the program and excitement escalates!

Aleph Champ

The Aleph Champion Program© is on the cutting edge of Hebrew reading today. Modeled after the Karate/Martial Arts motivational system, it works by dividing different reading skills into levels defined by color. Students understand that their teacher is a black aleph champion and their goal is to reach that level. Every Sunday the students visit the Aleph champ Lab where the children rotate through reading, writing, and technology stations.

Hebrew Language and Grammar

Once our students master hebrew reading they will join the Hebrew language class which is structured to teach grammar, and fundamental Hebrew nouns and verbs.


Students will learn about each Holiday in more depth. They will learn more about the History associated with each Holiday through using a timeline and learning through the text found in the Torah.