Welcome to Silver Spring, Maryland!
The information provided below is intended to assist those who are visiting the Silver Spring. Please always check hours, days of operation, and kashrus status if you require clarification.
Silver Spring is a suburb of Washington, DC. It is about a 30-45-minute drive to destinations in Washington, DC depending on traffic. The DC Metro has stations in Wheaton (2 miles from Kemp Mill) and downtown Silver Spring with parking at the Wheaton Metro station.
There are several shuls in Silver Spring. There are other shuls and Chabad houses throughout the Washington, DC area that are not listed here.
· Chabad of Silver Spring, 519 Lamberton Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20902, 301-593-1117, chabadsilverspring.com
o Weekday shacharis: 6:30 am
o Sunday-Thursday mincha/maariv: tied to candle lighting time during daylight savings, maariv only at 8:00 pm in winter months. Click here for complete schedule.
o Sunday shacharis: 9:00 am
o Shabbos shacharis: 9:30 am
· Kemp Mill Synagogue, 11910 Kemp Mill Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20902, 301-593-0996, kmsynagogue.org
o Weekday shacharis: 7:00 am (15 mins earlier on Monday, Thursday, and Rosh Chodesh)
o Sunday-Thursday mincha/maariv: tied to candle lighting time, option of maariv only in winter months
o Sunday shacharis: 8:00 am, 9:00 am
o Shabbos shacharis: 7:00 am, 8:00 am, 8:45 am, 9:15 am
· Ohr HaTorah, 1009 Kersey Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20902, ohrhatorahmd.com
o Weekday shacharis: 6:45 am (6:25 am on Rosh Chodesh and Tanneisim)
o Sunday-Thursday mincha/maariv: tied to candle lighting time during daylight savings time only
o Sunday-Thursday maariv only: 9:30 pm
o Shabbos shacharis: 8:30 am
· Silver Spring Jewish Center, 1401 Arcola Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20901, 301-649-4425, ssjconline.com
o Weekday shacharis: 6:30 am (10 mins earlier on Mondays, Thursdays, and Rosh Chodesh)
o Sunday-Thursday mincha/maariv: tied to candle lighting time, option of maariv only in winter months
o Sunday shacharis: 8:00 am
o Shabbos shacharis: 9:00 am
· Southeast Hebrew Congregation, 10900 Lockwood Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20901, 301-593-2120, southeasthebrew.org
o Weekday shacharis: 6:25 am (6:15 on Rosh Chodesh)
o Sunday-Thursday mincha/maariv: tied to candlelighting time
o Sunday-Thursday maariv only: 9:45 pm
o Shabbos shacharis: 7:00 am, 9:00 am
· Yeshiva of Greater Washinton, 1216 Arcola Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20902, 301-962-5111, yeshiva.edu
o Weekday shacharis: 7:45 am (8:45 am in summer)
o Sunday-Thursday Mincha: 2:45 pm
o Sunday-Thursday Maariv: 10:00 pm
o Shabbos shacharis: 8:00 am
· Young Israel Shomrai Emunah, 1132 Arcola Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20902, 301-593-4465, yise.org
o Weekday shacharis: 6:00 am, 6:10 am (Sephardi), 6:25 am, 7:00 am, 8:15 am (10 mins earlier on Monday, Thursday or Rosh Chodesh)
o Sunday-Thursday mincha/maariv: tied to candle lighting time, option of maariv only in winter months
o Sunday shacharis: 5:30 am, 7:00 am, 7:30 am (Sephardi), 8:00 am
o Shabbos shacharis: 7:00 am (Sephardi), 7:00 am (Ashkenazi), 8:00 am (Sephardi), 8:00 am (Ashkenazi), 8:45 am, 9:15 am
· Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah, 9001 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910, 301-587-8252, wsat.org
o Weekday shacharis: 7:00 am, 8:00 am (6:50 am, 8:00 am on Mondays and Thursdays, 6:40 am, 8:00 am on Rosh Chodesh)
o Sunday-Thursday mincha/maariv: tied to candle lighting time, option of maariv only at 8:45 pm in winter months
o Sunday shacharis: 8:00 am
o Shabbos shacharis: 7:15 am, 8:45 am
There are no hotels in the Kemp Mill neighborhood of Silver Spring. If you require a hotel within walking distance to a shul, we recommend downtown Silver Spring. There are several hotels that are close to the Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah, an orthodox shul which also has a mikvah with men’s and women’s hours.
In Kemp Mill there are several kosher establishments supervised by the Vaad Harabonim of Greater Washington (Capitol K).
· Ben Yehuda Café and Pizzeria, 1370 Lamberton Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20902, 301-681-8900, bypizza.co – pizza restaurant, cholov yisroel, local delivery available
· Holy Chow, 1331 Lamberton Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20902, 301-649-5466, holychow.me – meat, Chinese food, local delivery available
· Kosher Pastry Oven, 1372 Lamberton Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20902, 301-592-8844, thekosherpastryoven.com –dairy café and parve bakery, not all food is cholov yisroel
· Nut House Pizza, 11417 Georgia Ave, Wheaton, MD 20902, 301-942-5900, nuthousepizzamenu.com – pizza restaurant, sushi, cholov yisroel, local delivery available
· Shalom Kosher, 1361 Lamberton Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20902, 301-946-6500, theshalomgroup.com – large kosher grocery store with groceries, prepared food, deli, sushi, chicken and meat, and bakery
· Moti’s Market, 4860 Boiling Brook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-468-0400, motismarket.com - large kosher grocery store with groceries, prepared food, deli, sushi, chicken and meat, and bakery
· Al Ha’esh, 4860 Boiling Brook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-231-0839, al-haesh.com, meat, Israeli style grill
· Siena’s Restaurant, 4840 Boiling Brook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-770-7474, siensarestaurant.com, dairy café and pizzeria, cholov yisroel, local delivery available
· Goldberg’s Bagels, 9328 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring MD 20910, 240-450-4177; 4824-26 Boiling Brook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-816-9229; 7731 Tuckerman Lane, Potomac, MD 20854, 240-403-1210, goldbergsnybagels.com – bagel shop, cholov yisroel
· Oh Mama Grill, 188 Rollins Ave, Rockville, MD 20852, 301-770-3003, ohmamagrill.com – meat, Israeli-style grill, local delivery available
· Café Sunflower & Bakery, 6101 Executive Blvd, #115, North Bethesda, MD 20852 (inside Jewish Federation building), 301-321-3280, sunflowerbakery.org – dairy café and parve bakery
· Char Bar, 2142 L St NW, Washington, DC 20037, 202-785-4314, charbardc.com – meat restaurant and steak house
There are three mikvahs in Silver Spring and one in Potomac.
· Yitzchak Wallerstein Mikvah, 913 Grays Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20902, 301-681-3737, mikvahemunah.com, supervised by the Mikvah Emunah Society
o Daily hours for women’s use motzei Shabbos-Thursday, no appointment required, hours vary by time of year
o Shabbos and Yom Tov appointments required
o Men’s hours only before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
· Silver Spring Jewish Center Community Mikvah, 1401 Arcola Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20902, 240-723-6229, ssjconline.com/community-mikvah/, supervised by the Mikvah Emunah Society
o Appointments required for women’s use
· Woodside Mikvah, 8901 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910, 301-565-3737, woodsidemikvah.org, supervised by the Woodside Synagogue
o Daily hours for women’s use motzei Shabbos-Thursday, no appointment required, hours vary by time of year
o Shabbos and Yom Tov appointments required ([email protected])
· Mikvah Ateres Yisroel, 11621 Seven Locks Rd, Potomac, MD 20854, 301-299-0144, chabadpotomac.com, supervised by Chabad of Potomac
o Appointments required for women’s use
If you are staying with friends or family in Kemp Mill we hope that you will join us for Shabbos services and kiddush so that we may welcome you to our community!