
Jewish Art Calendar 5784

  • Every year Chabad publishes and mails a beautiful Jewish Art Calendar to thousands of households in the Silver Spring area. The calendar features information about Jewish holidays, candle-lighting times, recipes, and much more! It is full-sized and includes ample space on each date for writing appointments or reminders.

    The back page of the calendar includes a Rosh Hashanah greeting and includes the names of families who wish to join as supporters of the calendar. Chabad relies on support from friends and neighbors to make this calendar publication possible. 

    Please fill out the form below to be included in the new year's greeting on the calendar for 5784 (2023-2024). You can list how you would like your name to appear (please only include names and not phrases or personal greetings) and also make a donation.

    Name listings must be received by July 15. 

    Thank you! 

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    Please mail checks to<br />Chabad of Silver Spring<br />519 Lamberton Drive<br />Silver Spring, MD 20902<br /><br />
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