As we prepare for Yom Kippur, we are undertaking a Yom Kippur Appeal to support Chabad's work and operating expenses. During the month of Tishrei, we find ourselves in a time which is most auspicious for tzedakah. We will all be reciting the awesome words in our Machzor: "...Repentance, Prayer and Charity will avert the severity of the decree." There is no better time of year to receive merit for our good deeds than that of these Days of Awe.
We hope that you will join this campaign to help make 5784 a year of success and growth for Chabad. Your support allows us to continue to serve the community through our shul, youth programs such as Hebrew School, CTeen, and Bat Mitzvah Club, adult education for men and women, women's programs, Camp Gan Israel, The Gan Montessori, and the personal outreach and support that Chabad provides to countless Jewish residents of Silver Spring.
Your participation at any level in the Yom Kippur Appeal will mean so much to us.
Wishing you all the best for a year of health, happiness, and revealed good.
Rabbi Berel and Chaya Wolvovsky