
Siddur, Chumash and Library Dedication

  • Dedicate a book at Chabad!

  • You can dedicate a siddur, chumash or children's book at Chabad of Silver Spring. Siddurim and chumashim are added to our bookshelves upstairs and children's books are added to the Riven Children's Library. Thank you for your support!

    Seforim and Library Dedication Levels
    Siddur - $18
    Chumash - $25
    Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Machzor Set - $50
    Siddur, Chumash, and Machzor Set - $100

    1 Book in Children's Library - $25
    2 Books in Children's Library - $50

    If you would like to donate toward our library of seforim for adults please contact the office to learn about the specific wish list and discuss what you would like to donate. 

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